The dignity of labor!

Types of labor:

There are mainly two types of labor.

1) Physical labor
2) Mental labor

These two types of labor are essential for survival in the battle of survival. Working hard on the body is physical labor. Through this type of labor man performs his work by utilizing his physical strength. Almost every human being has to do physical work in life.

On the other hand, mental labor is the name of performing work by using the intellect of the head. In ancient times, when people lived in forests and caves, the basic biological needs of human beings depended mainly on manual labor. But it is also true that in addition to physical labor, cavemen also had to apply mental labor in their daily lives and livelihoods.

However, like all other wild animals, the main task of human beings was to defend themselves and collect food. That is why physical labor was relatively important to people at that time. However, in the evolution of time, man has brought mechanical change in his life, has progressed in time with the progress.

In the course of this progress of civilization, mental labor gradually became more important to man than physical labor. People began to set one example after another in the special application of mental labor in philosophy, literature, art, science and technology. However, the importance of physical labor has never diminished. Even today, people have to resort to physical labor to acquire the most basic element of survival in their lives.


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