Rape is on the rise in BD! Is there no end to it?
At present, the problem of rape has taken the first place leaving thousands of problems behind.
Many people may be blaming it for many reasons.
1. Women's dressing up and outfit look.
2. Male ugliness or bad eye and
3. Weak laws or proper enforcement of laws in the country.
However, the weak Iaw of the country has to be more responsible than women's clothing and external attire.
In other words, the main cause of rape is the weakness of the law and the only way to remedy it is proper enforcement of the law.
Those who blame women's clothing or men's ugliness may not know that in all the developed countries of the world, girls move around very openly.
For example, or from my own reality: Many women in Singapore know how to dress and how to walk.
Unsightly men are also here like in Bangladesh. Probably less in number. But evil men are not in this country.
But why not rape in Singapore?
Those who have lived in Singapore for a long time, how many rape cases are they seeing or hearing in Singapore? Why is there not so much rape in Singapore as in our country?
There is only one answer or reason. Then there are strict laws in this country and 100% enforcement.
You might say Singapore is a very small country so they can control everything. But that's not really the case. Whether the country is small or big does not have much effect on the law. The law runs at its own pace. If its implementation is 100% enforced then the size of the country is not a fact.
Hon'ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and her party have been in power for more than a decade, I have no regrets about you being in power for a few more decades.
Who is the Prime Minister of the country, who is the Minister, M. .P or Chairman, most of the people in our country do not have such a headache. But we want the country to be good, the people of the country to be good. May every citizen including our family, mother-sister, wife and daughter be safe.
With the utmost respect to the country and the Prime Minister of the country, I would like to say that if a mad dog or any poisonous animal which is harmful to the people, society, country and nation cannot be handled, it has to be killed by injection or application of any poison.
In the same way, if the rapist cannot be stopped, if he gets enough evidence, then immediately give him such exemplary punishment so that no one will dare to do such heinous and sinful deeds again.
This will benefit your reputation, empowerment and the people of the country.
Nowadays, no one is excluding a 60-year-old woman from a breastfed baby.
But why ??
Because there is only one law but it has not been properly enforcedThat is happening all the time in our country.
Honorable Prime Minister, you are the head of the country and the head of the parliament. U R also a woman. Yet why can't our women walk freely today? Why are they still living as objects of men's pleasure as in ancient times?
The government of a country can do a lot for the country and the people of that country if it wants to. All that is needed is proper implementation of the right decision and law.
Therefore, take strong steps to protect the dignity, chastity and honor of women.
A woman: She is someone's mother, sister or wife.
We don't want anyone else to rape a woman. We don't want to see any child, brother or husband crying blood in their eyes.
Whoever is the rapist. He has no religion, party or status. His only identity is that he is the rapist and the worst criminal. I want his trial to be hanged in front of the people including all media broadcasts.If two hundred or a few thousand culprits are hanged to save the lives of crores of mothers and sisters of the country, then there will be no harm to the country but it will be the first and main tool to build a golden Bengal
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